Monday, November 2, 2009

baby rhyker

one of the cutest kids ive ever seen. which is saying a lot, considering my feelings towards children :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

the old church.

old, abandoned buildings have always caught my eye for some reason. ive had my eye on this abandoned church and schoolhouse for quite some time now, and am please that a friend and i were able to photograph it. comments/critiques welcome :)

the schoolhouse.

an old desk.

commemorative glasses from 1967 were just a few of the tourism trinkets we found
dumped inside the school.

boxes and boxes of nebraska plates.

the inside of the schoolhouse. not very glamorous.

the old church.

an old, broken organ. the crown jewel of the days explorations.



inside of the church. you can see the pulpint on the right, and the old organ on the left.